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Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols recognize early postoperative mobilization as a driver of faster postoperative recovery, return to normal activities, and improved long-term patient outcomes. Azeliragon inhibitor For patients undergoing open cardiac surgery, an opportunity for facilitating earlier mobilization and a return to normal activity lies in the use of improved techniques to stabilize the sternal osteotomy. By following the key orthopedic principles of approximation, compression, and rigid fixation, a more nuanced approach to sternal precaution protocols is possible, which may enable earlier patient mobilization, physical rehabilitation, and recovery.Cardiac surgery is performed more often in a population with an increasing number of comorbidities. Although these surgeries can be lifesaving, they disturb homeostasis and may induce a temporary overall loss of physiologic function. The required postoperative intensive care unit and hospital stay often lead to a mid- to long-term decline of nutritional and physical status, mental health, and health-related quality of life. Prehabilitation before elective surgery might be an opportunity to optimize the state of the patient. This article discusses current evidence and potential effects of preoperative optimization of nutrition and physical status before cardiac surgery.Surgical site infection (SSI) can be a significant complication of cardiac surgery, delaying recovery and acting as a barrier to enhanced recovery after cardiac surgery. Several risk factors predisposing patients to SSI including smoking, excessive alcohol intake, hyperglycemia, hypoalbuminemia, hypo- or hyperthermia, and Staphylococcus aureus colonization are discussed. Various measures can be taken to abolish these factors and minimize the risk of SSI. Glycemic control should be optimized preoperatively, and hyperglycemia should be avoided perioperatively with the use of intravenous insulin infusions. All patients should receive topical intranasal Staphylococcus aureus decolonization and intravenous cephalosporin if not penicillin allergic.In this review the authors introduce a practical approach to guide the initiation of an enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) cardiac surgery program. The first step in implementation is organizing a dedicated multidisciplinary ERAS cardiac team composed of representatives from nursing, surgery, anesthesiology, and other relevant allied health groups. Identifying a program coordinator or navigator who will have responsibilities for developing and implementing educational initiatives, troubleshooting, monitoring progress and setbacks, and data collection is also vital for success. An institution-specific protocol is then developed by leveraging national guidelines and local expertise.Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), one of the most common neuromuscular disorders of children, is caused by the absence of dystrophin protein in striated muscle. Deletions of exons 43, 45, and 52 represent mutational "hotspot" regions in the dystrophin gene. We created three new DMD mouse models harboring deletions of exons 43, 45, and 52 to represent common DMD mutations. To optimize CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing using the single-cut strategy, we identified single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) capable of restoring dystrophin expression by inducing exon skipping and reframing. Intramuscular delivery of AAV9 encoding SpCas9 and selected sgRNAs efficiently restored dystrophin expression in these new mouse models, offering a platform for future studies of dystrophin gene correction therapies. To validate the therapeutic potential of this approach, we identified sgRNAs capable of restoring dystrophin expression by the single-cut strategy in cardiomyocytes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with each of these hotspot deletion mutations. We found that the potential effectiveness of individual sgRNAs in correction of DMD mutations cannot be predicted a priori, highlighting the importance of sgRNA design and testing as a prelude for applying gene editing as a therapeutic strategy for DMD.This article summarizes the major changes seen in lymphatic microsurgery and microvascular surgery in first 20 years of the 21st century. Lymphatic microsurgery is discussed first, as more advances have been seen in imaging of the lymphatic system, lymphatico-venous anastomosis, and vascularized lymph node transfers. During the past 2 decades, there have been more patient population changes than major technical evolutions in microvascular surgery, although new techniques and modifications emerged and became clinical routines, with the landscape of microvascular surgery evolving in this time period.Microsurgery has broad applications in reconstructive surgery. As techniques, diagnostics, and advancing technology rapidly evolve, reconstructive microsurgeons can adapt to address new challenges and push the frontiers to achieve optimal functional and aesthetic reconstruction, and minimize donor site morbidity. This article briefly outlines some of the recent advances and innovations in microsurgery within the last 5 years in perforator flaps, breast, lymphedema surgery, extremity reconstruction, targeted muscle reinnervation, head and neck reconstruction, composite tissue allotransplantation, and robotic surgery.Several methods can be used for identifying tissues for transfer in donor-site-depleted patients. A fillet flap can be temporarily stored in other parts of the body and transferred back to the site of tissue defect, including covering the amputated stump of the lower extremity. Human arm transplant is rare and has some unique concerns for the surgery and postsurgical treatment. Cosmetics of the narrow neck of transferred second toes can be improved with insertion of a flap. Lymphedema of the breast after cancer treatment can be diagnosed with several currently available imaging techniques and treated surgically with lymphaticovenous anastomosis.Pedicle perforator flaps and keystone perforator island flaps provide additional tools for the reconstructive surgeon's armamentarium. Advances in understanding of vascular anatomy, dynamic nature of perforator perfusion, interperforator flow, and "hot spot" principle have led to reconstructive methods that allow for autologous tissue transfer, while limiting donor site morbidity. Further modifications in pedicle perforator flap enabled the propeller flap and freestyle perforator free flap for soft tissue reconstruction. Modifications in keystone perforator island flap increased degrees of freedom the reconstructive surgeon has for soft tissue coverage of large defects, with significant reliability, aesthetically pleasing results, and reduced donor site morbidity.