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eful tool for reconstruction ofradioactive contamination of the air and the ground surface after the Chornobyl accident. Calculated in this study131I activity concentrations in air and 131I ground deposition densities were used to reconstruct the thyroid doses dueto 131I intake to the population of Ukraine.
To assess the level of risks of development of malignant neoplasms among the residents of smallChornobyl districts («rayons») in connection with low-dose radiation exposure and its dynamic changes.
The study population included residents of Borodianka, Ivankiv and Poliske districts ofKyiv region («oblast») and Luhyny, Narodychi and Ovruch districts of Zhytomyr region, 175,100 inhabitants in2017. The study period was 1980-2017. All cancers incidence rates as well as rates of potentially radiation-associated sites (breast, thyroid, hematopoietic and lymphoid systems) were calculated and analysed. Methods of variation statistics, descriptive and analytical epidemiology were used.
The impact of ionizing radiation on population of the most radionuclide-contaminated districts raisesconcerns of the potential threat of adverse cancer effects, especially thyroid cancer. The average total whole-bodyeffective radiation doses received due to cesium during long time (1986-2005) among residents of the study districtsas Zhytomyr region's rates.
The results of the study indicate needs for further monitoring of malignant neoplasms not only inthe population of Ukraine as a whole and its large administrative-territorial units, but also among residents of particular areas, given the likelihood of the realization of the risks of radiation-associated diseases in the distantpost-accident period in accordance with local environmental conditions.
The results of the study indicate needs for further monitoring of malignant neoplasms not only inthe population of Ukraine as a whole and its large administrative-territorial units, but also among residents of particular areas, given the likelihood of the realization of the risks of radiation-associated diseases in the distantpost-accident period in accordance with local environmental conditions.
Evaluation of the key environmental determinants that shape the response of the social environment tothe activities of nuclear power plants.
The poll was conducted in the observation zone (OZ) of the South-Ukrainian NPP (SUNPP).A repetition-free probabilistic selection was used in the population survey. The sample of respondents from the population of the SUNPP OZ was 322 people with the sampling error of 5.4 % and confidence interval of 95.0%. An ordinal 5-point measurement scale was used to assess the quality of life and anxiety, and nominal measurement scaleswere used for other issues. All the age groups of population from 20 to 65 years were taken into account. The sociohygienic, sociological, statistical and mathematical research methods were applied in the process of work (relativevalues, averages, reliability of paired differences according to Student's t test).
The level of perception of radiation risk by the population of the NPP OZ was the lowest among respondentsof satellite cities of Rivne Nt means that the settlements of the OZ (communities)receive funds to compensate for risk living in compliance with certain safety rules to maintain health. see more Legal regulation and constant awareness of population are the main directions for the formation of adequate assessments.
The current legislation governing the relationship between functioning NPPs and the communities inwhich they are located needs to be improved, guided by the basic principle of environmental public health - socialjustice, i.e. the human right to a healthy environment. It means that the settlements of the OZ (communities)receive funds to compensate for risk living in compliance with certain safety rules to maintain health. Legal regulation and constant awareness of population are the main directions for the formation of adequate assessments.The article is devoted to the problem of completed suicides among veterans of the Joint Forces for National Securityand Defense operation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions (JFO) and liquidators of the consequences of the Chornobylaccident (LCCA). The results of the analysis of surveys of families and close associates of JFO veterans who committed a completed suicide in the period 2014-2019 are presented. The survey was conducted as part of criminal proceedings initiated on the facts of suicide.
to analyze the current dynamics of suicidal behavior in veterans of JFO and the impact of psychosocialfactors on its development and compare with the relevant indicators among LCCA at the Chornobyl nuclear powerplant.
175 questionnaires are presented, socio-demographic characteristics are compiled and psychosocial factors that influenced the development of suicidal behavior in environmental protection veterans areidentified. An analysis of the status of such studies among liquidators of the Chornobyl accidents.
the dO and LCCA at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant experienced mental stress. But most of them, returning home, did not seek medical treatment, prevent the development of diseasesand their complications and remained for a long time without proper medical, social and psychological care.
To analyze and evaluate the available information to indoor radon concentration in the context of theimplementation of the radon action plan.
indoor radon-222 in dwellings by area and corresponding radiation risks of the population. Measurements were performed using passive track radonometry. The exposure time of the radonometers is atleast 30 days during heating season. Radiation risk calculations were performed according to the dose coefficientsand mathematical models of the ICRP.
It was found that for the whole country, reference level 300 Bq/m3 (radon gas) is exceeded in 16 % ofcases. It was found that geometric mean of radon gas levels was 120 Bq/m3 and varies from 35 to 265 Bq/m3 bydifferent area, namely the difference between radon levels in different territories of the country can be up to 7.5times. Variability of radon levels at the district level is also significant. It was found, radon activity concentrationdiffering by almost 10 times by districts with lognormal distribution and a geometric mean of 75 Bq/m3.