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4 and a characteristic-frequency crossover that scales as an inverse power δ ≃ 2.8 of length, which implies the fulfillment of a scaling law analogous to those found in the thermodynamics of critical phenomena. SS-31 cost As a by-product, we find a possible model-free explanation for the origin of Zipf's law, which should arise as a mixture of conditional frequency distributions governed by the crossover length-dependent frequency.Since the cloud radio access network (C-RAN) transmits information signals by jointly transmission, the multiple copies of information signals might be eavesdropped on. Therefore, this paper studies the resource allocation algorithm for secure energy optimization in a downlink C-RAN, via jointly designing base station (BS) mode, beamforming and artificial noise (AN) given imperfect channel state information (CSI) of information receivers (IRs) and eavesdrop receivers (ERs). The considered resource allocation design problem is formulated as a nonlinear programming problem of power minimization under the quality of service (QoS) for each IR, the power constraint for each BS, and the physical layer security (PLS) constraints for each ER. To solve this non-trivial problem, we first adopt smooth ℓ 0 -norm approximation and propose a general iterative difference of convex (IDC) algorithm with provable convergence for a difference of convex programming problem. Then, a three-stage algorithm is proposed to solve the original problem, which firstly apply the iterative difference of convex programming with semi-definite relaxation (SDR) technique to provide a roughly (approximately) sparse solution, and then improve the sparsity of the solutions using a deflation based post processing method. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is validated with extensive simulations for power minimization in secure downlink C-RANs.Based on Arimoto's work in 1972, we propose an iterative algorithm for computing the capacity of a discrete memoryless classical-quantum channel with a finite input alphabet and a finite dimensional output, which we call the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm for classical-quantum channel, and an input cost constraint is considered. We show that, to reach ε accuracy, the iteration complexity of the algorithm is upper bounded by log n log ε ε where n is the size of the input alphabet. In particular, when the output state ρ x x ∈ X is linearly independent in complex matrix space, the algorithm has a geometric convergence. We also show that the algorithm reaches an ε accurate solution with a complexity of O ( m 3 log n log ε ε ) , and O ( m 3 log ε log ( 1 - δ ) ε D ( p * | | p N 0 ) ) in the special case, where m is the output dimension, D ( p * | | p N 0 ) is the relative entropy of two distributions, and δ is a positive number. Numerical experiments were performed and an approximate solution for the binary two-dimensional case was analysed.The Jensen-Shannon divergence is a renown bounded symmetrization of the Kullback-Leibler divergence which does not require probability densities to have matching supports. In this paper, we introduce a vector-skew generalization of the scalar α -Jensen-Bregman divergences and derive thereof the vector-skew α -Jensen-Shannon divergences. We prove that the vector-skew α -Jensen-Shannon divergences are f-divergences and study the properties of these novel divergences. Finally, we report an iterative algorithm to numerically compute the Jensen-Shannon-type centroids for a set of probability densities belonging to a mixture family This includes the case of the Jensen-Shannon centroid of a set of categorical distributions or normalized histograms.An investigation of diseases using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging requires automatic image quality assessment methods able to exclude low-quality scans. Such methods can be also employed for an optimization of parameters of imaging systems or evaluation of image processing algorithms. Therefore, in this paper, a novel blind image quality assessment (BIQA) method for the evaluation of MR images is introduced. It is observed that the result of filtering using non-maximum suppression (NMS) strongly depends on the perceptual quality of an input image. Hence, in the method, the image is first processed by the NMS with various levels of acceptable local intensity difference. Then, the quality is efficiently expressed by the entropy of a sequence of extrema numbers obtained with the thresholded NMS. The proposed BIQA approach is compared with ten state-of-the-art techniques on a dataset containing MR images and subjective scores provided by 31 experienced radiologists. The Pearson, Spearman, Kendall correlation coefficients and root mean square error for the method assessing images in the dataset were 0.6741, 0.3540, 0.2428, and 0.5375, respectively. The extensive experimental evaluation of the BIQA methods reveals that the introduced measure outperforms related techniques by a large margin as it correlates better with human scores.Quantum correlations of higher-dimensional systems are an important content of quantum information theory and quantum information application. The quantification of quantum correlation of high-dimensional quantum systems is crucial, but difficult. In this paper, using the second-order nonlinear optical effect and multiphoton interference enhancement effect, we experimentally implement the photonic qutrit states and demonstrate the spin-1 information entropic inequality for the first time to quantitative quantum correlation. Our work shows that information entropy is an important way to quantify quantum correlation and quantum information processing.This paper investigates solutions of hyperbolic diffusion equations in R 3 with random initial conditions. The solutions are given as spatial-temporal random fields. Their restrictions to the unit sphere S 2 are studied. All assumptions are formulated in terms of the angular power spectrum or the spectral measure of the random initial conditions. Approximations to the exact solutions are given. Upper bounds for the mean-square convergence rates of the approximation fields are obtained. The smoothness properties of the exact solution and its approximation are also investigated. It is demonstrated that the Hölder-type continuity of the solution depends on the decay of the angular power spectrum. Conditions on the spectral measure of initial conditions that guarantee short- or long-range dependence of the solutions are given. Numerical studies are presented to verify the theoretical findings.