Era involving Zebrafish Larval Xenografts and Cancer Behavior Evaluation

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We also found a significant reduction in the expression of a panel of genes (CAMK2A, c-JUN, LIMK1, MAP2K1, MAP2K2, PIK3CA and PLCG1) that belong to these two biological pathways and are also validated targets of miR-30a, pointing to a down-regulation of these pathways as a consequence of PNS exposure. Interestingly, we also found that miR-30a levels were significantly upregulated in depressed patients exposed to childhood trauma, as compared to control individuals. Importantly, we also found that a sub-chronic treatment with the atypical antipsychotic drug, lurasidone, during adolescence was able to prevent the up-regulation of miR-30a and normalized the expression of its target genes in response to PNS exposure. Our results demonstrate that miR-30a undergoes epigenetic changes following early life stress exposure and suggest that this miRNA could play a key role in producing broad and long-lasting alterations in neuroplasticity-related pathways, contributing to the etiology of psychiatric disorders.Severe stress exposure causes the loss of dendritic spines on cortical pyramidal neurons and induces psychiatric-like symptoms in rodent models. These effects are strongest following early-life stress and are most persistent on apical dendrites. However, the long-term impacts and temporal effects of stress exposure on the human brain remain poorly understood. Using a novel postmortem cohort of psychiatric cases with severe stress experienced in childhood, adulthood, or no severe stress, and matched controls, we aimed to determine the impact of stress timing on pyramidal neuron structure in the human orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). We performed Golgi Cox staining and manually measured the morphology and density of over 22,000 dendritic spines on layer-specific pyramidal neuron apical dendrites. We also quantified glucocorticoid receptor mRNA and protein as a marker of stress dysregulation. Both childhood and adulthood stress were associated with large reductions in mature mushroom spine density (up to 56% loss) in both the superficial (II/III) and deeper layers (V) of the OFC. However, childhood stress caused more substantial reductions to both total and mature mushroom spines. No difference in glucocorticoid receptor mRNA and protein were seen between groups, although both negatively correlated with total spine density within the whole cohort. These findings indicate that severe stress, especially when experienced during childhood, persistently affects the fine morphological properties of neurons in the human OFC. This may impact on cell connectivity in this brain area, and at least partly explain the social and emotional symptoms that originate in the OFC in psychiatric disorders.Childhood adversity increases vulnerability to alcohol use disorders and preclinical models are needed to investigate the underlying neurobiological mechanisms. The present study modeled early-life adversity by rearing male and female C57BL/6J mouse pups in a limited bedding and nesting (LBN) environment, which induces erratic maternal care. As adults, mice were given limited access to two-bottle choice (2BC) alcohol drinking, combined or not with chronic intermittent ethanol (CIE) vapor inhalation to induce alcohol dependence. We tested the hypothesis that LBN rearing might exacerbate or facilitate the emergence of the motivational and affective effects of CIE. Consistent with our hypothesis, although LBN-reared males consumed the same baseline levels of alcohol as controls, they escalated their ethanol intake at an earlier stage of CIE exposure, i.e., after 4 rounds vs. 5 rounds for controls. In contrast, females were insensitive to both LBN rearing and CIE exposure. Males were further subjected to a behavioral test battery. Withdrawal from CIE-2BC increased digging activity and lowered mechanical nociceptive thresholds regardless of early-life conditions. On the other hand, LBN-reared CIE-2BC males showed reduced open arm exploration in the elevated plus maze and increased immobility in the tail suspension test compared to alcohol-naïve counterparts, while no group differences were detected among control-reared males. Finally, LBN rearing and alcohol exposure did not affect grooming in response to a sucrose spray (splash test), novel object recognition, or corticosterone levels. In summary, the LBN experience accelerates the transition from moderate to excessive alcohol drinking and produces additional indices of affective dysfunction during alcohol withdrawal in C57BL/6J male mice.The lateral habenula (LHb) integrates critical information regarding aversive stimuli that shapes decision making and behavioral responses. The three major LHb outputs innervate dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), ventral tegmental area (VTA), and the rostromedial tegmental nucleus (RMTg). LHb neurons that project to these targets are segregated and nonoverlapping, and this led us to consider whether they have distinct molecular phenotypes and adaptations to stress exposure. In order to capture a time-locked profile of gene expression after repeated forced swim stress, we used intersectional expression of RiboTag in rat LHb neurons and next-gen RNA sequencing to interrogate the RNAs actively undergoing translation from each of these pathways. The "translatome" in the neurons comprising these pathways was similar at baseline, but diverged after stress, especially in the neurons projecting to the RMTg. Using weighted gene co-expression network analysis, we found one module, which had an overrepresentation of genes associated with phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3K) signaling, comprising genes downregulated after stress in the RMTg-projecting LHb neurons. Reduced PI3K signaling in RMTg-projecting LHb neurons may be a compensatory adaptation that alters the functional balance of LHb outputs to GABAergic vs. Ulonivirine monoaminergic neurons following repeated stress exposure.The lateral habenula (LHb) is an epithalamic brain region associated with value-based decision making and stress evasion through its modulation of dopamine (DA)-mediated reward circuitry. Specifically, increased activity of the LHb is associated with drug addiction, schizophrenia and stress-related disorders such as depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder. Dynorphin (Dyn)/Kappa opioid receptor (KOR) signaling is a mediator of stress response in reward circuitry. Previously, we have shown that maternal deprivation (MD), a severe early life stress, increases LHb spontaneous neuronal activity and intrinsic excitability while blunting the response of LHb neurons to extrahypothalamic corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) signaling, another stress mediator. CRF pathways also interact with Dyn/KOR signaling. Surprisingly, there has been little study of direct KOR regulation of the LHb despite its distinct role in stress, reward and aversion processing. To test the functional role of Dyn/KOR signaling in the LHb, we utilized ex-vivo electrophysiology combined with pharmacological tools in rat LHb slices.