DecisionMaking Knowledge Related to Mastectomy Amid Girls With Breast Cancer An Integrative Review

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Its internal consistency was good in all dimensions. The Rasch model was used to confirm the multidimensional structure of the scale. Significant and negative correlations were observed with the VERITAS-Pro and VERITAS-PRN scale in all dimensions, and in the total score. Conclusions The Haemo-Adhaesione scale is a good measure of adherence for PWH. Its multidimensional structure favors the inclusion of the objective and subjective aspects implicit in its definition, as well as its dynamic nature. Patients with greater adherence are those who have more awareness of their disease, and as a result, they are more compliant with prescription and their self-care. It also discriminates between patients who follow one treatment or another. © 2020 Torres-Ortuño et al.Purpose Patients with diabetes are at increased risk of developing depression. The aim of the study was to determine the occurrence of depressive symptoms in patients with type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM), including the association with different independent sociodemographic and clinical variables. Patients and Methods The studies were carried out on 618 people, including 115 patients with T1DM and 215 patients with T2DM and 288 people without diabetes constituting two control groups. Subjects were characterized in terms of sociodemographic, clinical and biochemical aspects, and the occurrence of depressive symptoms using Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was determined. In the logistic regression analysis, the correlations between BDI score and with independent variables such as sex, age, body mass index, duration of diabetes, HbA1c level, diabetic complications and mean arterial pressure were examined. Results The mean BDI score was significantly higher in women and men with T1DM and T2DM compared to controls. In diabetic patients, depressive symptoms occurred more often in women than in men. Among patients with T1DM, the incidence of depressive symptoms was 17.5% of the women and 8.6% of the men and in patients with T2DM, the incidence of depressive symptoms was revealed in 28.9% of the women and in 19.8% of the men. EGFR inhibitor In patients with T1DM and T2DM, the occurrence of depressive symptoms increases with age, HbA1c level and complications, and the risk of depressive symptoms turned out to be almost three times higher in women than in men with T2DM. Conclusion The prevalence of depressive symptoms in diabetic patients is higher than in non-diabetics. Depressive symptoms account for 13% of the patients with T1DM and 24.7% of the patients with T2DM. The risk of depressive symptoms in T1DM and T2DM increases with age, HbA1c level and the presence of complications, and it is gender-related in T2DM only. © 2020 Bąk et al.Background Quality indicators (QIs) are measurable elements of practice performance and may relate to context, process, outcome and structure. A valid set of QIs have been developed, reflecting the clinical reasoning used in primary care physiotherapy for patients with whiplash-associated disorders (WAD). Donabedian's model postulates relationships between the constructs of quality of care, acting in a virtuous circle. Aim To explore the relative strengths of the relationships between context, process, and outcome indicators in the assessment of primary care physiotherapy in patients with WAD. Materials and Methods Data on WAD patients (N=810) were collected over a period of 16 years in primary care physiotherapy practices by means of patients records. This routinely collected dataset (RCD-WAD) was classified in context, process, and outcome variables and analyzed retrospectively. Clinically relevant variables were selected based on expert consensus. Associations were expressed, using zero-order, as Spearman quality of clinical reasoning in terms of relationships between context, process, and outcome in the management of patients with WAD. © 2020 Oostendorp et al.Background Living with coronary heart disease (CHD) usually means being prescribed several medications to help prevent new cardiac events. Using medicines for long-term conditions impacts on day-to-day life, and coping with medicines can be burdensome and can affect the quality of life. To enable better support of these patients, we need to understand their collective medicine-related experience. Purpose The purpose of this study was to describe patients' medicine-related experience 1 year after the diagnosis of CHD. Patients and Methods A qualitative, descriptive study using semi-structured interviews was conducted in 19 patients in their homes or at Linnaeus University, Sweden. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach was used. Results Patients' experiences with using their medicines after diagnosis of CHD differed considerably. Some patients found handling the medicines and administering their treatment very easy, natural and straightforward, while others found that it was distressing or troublesome, and influenced their lives extensively. There was a varied sense of personal responsibility about the treatment and use of medicines. The patients' experiences were classified into one of seven categories a sense of security, unproblematic, learning to live with it, taking responsibility for it, somewhat uncertain, troublesome, or distressing. Participants in the study who expressed an unproblematic view of medicine taking also often revealed that they had dilemmas or uncertainties. Conclusion Patients' medicine-related experiences after CHD vary greatly. The findings of this study highlight a need for more individualized support for patients using medicines for secondary prevention. The patients often needed better dialogue with healthcare providers to optimally manage their medicines. Medicine-related support for these patients should encompass various aspects of medicine-taking. © 2020 Östbring et al.Adherence to antipsychotic medications is a major challenge in schizophrenia. Long-acting injectable antipsychotics have been shown to offer advantages over oral formulations. A new extended release formulation of risperidone for subcutaneous injection was developed to address issues of non-adherence. The aim of this manuscript was to compare the new subcutaneous formulation to currently available formulations of injectable risperidone and paliperidone to determine whether the novel delivery by subcutaneous injection may provide substantial benefits. A literature search was conducted using PubMed, OVID, and Cochrane Library electronic databases to assess the advantages and disadvantages of long-acting formulations of risperidone. Potential advantages of risperidone for subcutaneous injection include a simplified dosing and ease of administration. Potential disadvantages include injection site pain and medication cost. © 2019 Tchobaniouk et al.