CVDGrown 2nd Nonlayered NiSe being a High speed broadband Photodetector

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We introduce an effective fusion-based technique to enhance both day-time and night-time hazy scenes. When inverting the Koschmieder light transmission model, and by contrast with the common implementation of the popular dark-channel DehazeHeCVPR2009, we estimate the airlight on image patches and not on the entire image. Local airlight estimation is adopted because, under night-time conditions, the lighting generally arises from multiple localized artificial sources, and is thus intrinsically non-uniform. Selecting the sizes of the patches is, however, non-trivial. Small patches are desirable to achieve fine spatial adaptation to the atmospheric light, but large patches help improve the airlight estimation accuracy by increasing the possibility of capturing pixels with airlight appearance (due to severe haze). For this reason, multiple patch sizes are considered to generate several images, that are then merged together. The discrete Laplacian of the original image is provided as an additional input to the fusion process to reduce the glowing effect and to emphasize the finest image details. Similarly, for day-time scenes we apply the same principle but use a larger patch size. For each input, a set of weight maps are derived so as to assign higher weights to regions of high contrast, high saliency and small saturation. Finally the derived inputs and the normalized weight maps are blended in a multi-scale fashion using a Laplacian pyramid decomposition. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach as compared with recent techniques, both in terms of computational efficiency and the quality of the outputs.Building assessment is highly prioritized during rescue operations and damage relief after hurricane disasters. Although machine learning has made remarkable improvement in building damage classification, it remains challenging because classifiers must be trained using a massive amount of labeled data. Furthermore, data labeling is labor intensive, costly, and unavailable after a disaster. To address this issue, we propose an unsupervised domain adaptation method with aligned discriminative and representative features (ADRF), which leverage a substantial amount of labeled data of relevant disaster scenes for new classification tasks. The remote sensing imageries of different disasters are collected using different sensors, viewpoints, times, even at various places. Compared with the public datasets used in the domain adaptation community, the remote sensing imageries are more complicated which exhibit characteristics of lower discrimination between categories and higher diversity within categories. As a result, pursuing domain invariance is a huge challenge. To achieve this goal, we build a framework with ADRF to improve the discriminative and representative capability of the extracted features to facilitate the classification task. Selleck VE-821 The ADRF framework consists of three pipelines a classifier for the labeled data of the source domain and one autoencoder each for the source and target domains. The latent variables of autoencoders are forced to observe unit Gaussian distributions by minimizing the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD), whereas the marginal distributions of both domains are aligned via the MMD. As a case study, two challenging transfer tasks using the hurricane Sandy, Maria, and Irma datasets are investigated. Experimental results demonstrate that ADRF achieves overall accuracy of 71.6% and 84.1% in the transfer tasks from dataset Sandy to dataset Maria and dataset Irma, respectively.In photon-limited imaging, the pixel intensities are affected by photon count noise. Many applications require an accurate estimation of the covariance of the underlying 2-D clean images. For example, in X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) single molecule imaging, the covariance matrix of 2-D diffraction images is used to reconstruct the 3-D molecular structure. Accurate estimation of the covariance from low-photon-count images must take into account that pixel intensities are Poisson distributed, hence the classical sample covariance estimator is highly biased. Moreover, in single molecule imaging, including in-plane rotated copies of all images could further improve the accuracy of covariance estimation. In this paper we introduce an efficient and accurate algorithm for covariance matrix estimation of count noise 2-D images, including their uniform planar rotations and possibly reflections. Our procedure, steerable ePCA, combines in a novel way two recently introduced innovations. The first is a methodology for principal component analysis (PCA) for Poisson distributions, and more generally, exponential family distributions, called ePCA. The second is steerable PCA, a fast and accurate procedure for including all planar rotations when performing PCA. The resulting principal components are invariant to the rotation and reflection of the input images. We demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of steerable ePCA in numerical experiments involving simulated XFEL datasets and rotated face images from Yale Face Database B.The phase formation and functional properties (dielectric, ferroelectric switching and tunability) in xBaGeO3-(1-x)BaTiO3 ceramics with compositions x = 0, 0.01, 0.018, 0.1, 0.68 and 1, produced by solid state reaction, are presented. For small Ge additions x0.10 for which the perovskite tetragonal phase is predominant, the low field dielectric properties are quite similar to ones of BaTiO3 ceramics, with all the structural phase transitions in the same temperature range and a small shift of the Curie temperature to higher values when increasing Ge addition. The eutectic composition x=0.68 is a composite containing mostly nominal amounts of hexagonal -BaGeO3 phase and tetragonal BaTiO3 and shows permittivity below 100 and a lossy linear dielectric character, with zero tunability and lack of switching, similar as the BaGeO3 composition (x=1). The role of Ge in increasing the density by liquid phase sintering is beneficial for improving the electrical properties. In this sense, the composition x=0.10 is an optimum in the present ceramic series it shows the highest relative density of 99% and large grains (tens of m), excellent switching properties with the highest polarization and a rectangular switching loop, the highest permittivity above room temperature and a good (E) tunability of 60-70%, comparable with the best values reported in other BaTiO3 solid solutions.