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A biological context evaluation indicated the presence of several groups of abundant proteins including histones, topoisomerase 2, POLYMERASE 2, condensin subunits, and many proteins with chromatin-related functions. Proteins involved in processes related to DNA replication, transcription, and repair as well as nucleolar proteins were found. We have experimentally validated the presence of FIBRILLARIN 1, one of the nucleolar proteins, on metaphase chromosomes, suggesting that plant chromosomes are coated with proteins during mitosis, similar to those of human and animals. These results improve significantly the knowledge of plant chromosomal proteins and provide a basis for their functional characterization and comparative phylogenetic analyses.To meet the strict requirements for the malting quality of both grain size and protein content for malting barley, a better understanding of the partitioning and remobilization of dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) from individual vegetative organs during grain filling may contribute to adjusting a balance in both quality parameters to satisfy the malting criteria of the brewing industry. A 2-year experiment that included 23 spring malting barley varieties was carried out to determine the DM and N partitioning in different organs at anthesis and maturity and to estimate their remobilization to grains. In contrast to the genetic variation of the 23 barley varieties, year effect was the most important single factor influencing the DM and N accumulation at pre-anthesis, and the DM and N translocation from their reserves at pre-anthesis. Post-anthesis assimilates accounted for 71-94% of the total grain yield among the barley varieties in 2014 and 53-81% in 2015. In contrast, the N reserved in vegetative tissues at anthesis contributed to barley grain N from 67% in the variety Union to 91% in the variety Marthe in 2014, and 71% in the variety Grace to 97% in the variety Shakira in 2015. The results concluded that photosynthetically derived assimilates at post-anthesis played an important role in determining grain size, whereas N reserves at pre-anthesis and N remobilization at post-anthesis probably determined the grain protein content of the malting barley. To achieve a high quality of malting barley grains in both grain size and protein content simultaneously, balancing photosynthetic assimilates at post-anthesis and N reserves at pre-anthesis and N remobilization should be considered as strategies for the combination of the selection of spring malting barley varieties together with agronomic N management.Nervous necrosis virus (NNV) is the causative agent of viral nervous necrosis (VNN), which is one of the most serious fish diseases leading to mass mortality in a wide range of fish species worldwide. Although a few injectable inactivated vaccines are commercially available, there is a need for more labor-saving, cost-effective, and fish-friendly immunization methods. The use of transgenic plants expressing pathogen-derived recombinant antigens as edible vaccines is an ideal way to meet these requirements. In this study, chloroplast genetic engineering was successfully utilized to overexpress the red-spotted grouper NNV capsid protein (RGNNV-CP). The RGNNV-CP accumulated at high levels in all young, mature, and old senescent leaves of transplastomic tobacco plants (averaging approximately 3 mg/g leaf fresh weight). The RGNNV-CP efficiently self-assembled into virus-like particles (RGNNV-VLPs) in the chloroplast stroma of the transgenic lines, which could be readily observed by in situ transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore, intraperitoneal injection and oral administration of the crudely purified protein extract containing chloroplast-derived RGNNV-VLPs provided the sevenband grouper fish with sufficient protection against RGNNV challenge, and its immunogenicity was comparable to that of a commercial injectable vaccine. These findings indicate that chloroplast-derived VLP vaccines may play a promising role in the prevention of various diseases, not only in fish but also in other animals, including humans.NRT1.1 is the first nitrate transport protein cloned in plants and has both high- and low-affinity functions. It imports and senses nitrate, which is modulated by the phosphorylation on Thr101 (T101). Structural studies have revealed that the phosphorylation of T101 either induces dimer decoupling or increases structural flexibility within the membrane, thereby switching the NRT1.1 protein from a low- to high-affinity state. Further studies on the adaptive regulation of NRT1.1 in fluctuating nitrate conditions have shown that, at low nitrate concentrations, nitrate binding only at the high-affinity monomer initiates NRT1.1 dimer decoupling and priming of the T101 site for phosphorylation activated by CIPK23, which functions as a high-affinity nitrate transceptor. However, nitrate binding in both monomers retains the unmodified NRT1.1, maintaining the low-affinity mode. This NRT1.1-mediated nitrate signalling and transport may provide a key to improving the efficiency of plant nitrogen use. However, recent studies have revealed that NRT1.1 is extensively involved in plant tolerance of several adverse environmental conditions. In this context, we summarise the recent progress in the molecular mechanisms of NRT1.1 dual-affinity nitrate transport/signalling and focus on its expected and unexpected roles in plant abiotic stress resistance and their regulation processes.Broomcorn millet (BM), one of the earliest domesticated cereal crops originating in northern China, can tolerate extreme conditions, such as drought and high temperatures, which are prevalent in saline-alkali, arid, and barren landscapes. However, its adaptive mechanism to alkali stress is yet to be comprehensively understood. In this study, 80 and 40 mM standard alkali stress concentrations were used to, respectively, evaluate the alkali tolerance at the germination and seedling stages of 296 BM genotypes. Principal component analysis (PCA), Pearson's correlation analysis, and F-value comprehensive analysis were performed on the germination parameters (germination potential, germination index, germination rate, vigor index, root length/weight, sprout length/weight, and alkali damage rate). Based on their respective F-values, the BM genotypes were divided into five categories ranging from highly alkali resistant to alkali sensitive. To study the response of seedlings to alkaline stress, we investigated the phenotypic parameters (plant height, green leaf area, biomass, and root structure) of 111 genotypes from the above five categories. Combining the parameters of alkali tolerance at the germination and seedling stages, these 111 genotypes were further subdivided into three groups with different alkali tolerances. Variations in physiological responses of the different alkali-tolerant genotypes were further investigated for antioxidant enzyme activity, soluble substances, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, electrolyte leakage rate, and leaf structure. Compared with alkali-sensitive genotypes, alkali-tolerant genotypes had high antioxidant enzyme activity and soluble osmolyte content, low MDA content and electrolyte leakage rate, and a more complete stomata structure. Taken together, this study provides a comprehensive and reliable method for evaluating alkali tolerance and will contribute to the improvement and restoration of saline-alkaline soils by BM.Mungbeans and lentils are relatively easily grown and cheaper sources of microgreens, but their phytonutrient diversity is not yet deeply explored. In this study, 20 diverse genotypes each of mungbean and lentil were grown as microgreens under plain-altitude (Delhi) and high-altitude (Leh) conditions, which showed significant genotypic variations for ascorbic acid, tocopherol, carotenoids, flavonoid, total phenolics, DPPH (1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl), FRAP (ferric-reducing antioxidant power), peroxide activity, proteins, enzymes (peroxidase and catalase), micronutrients, and macronutrients contents. The lentil and mungbean genotypes L830 and MH810, respectively, were found superior for most of the studied parameters over other studied genotypes. 3-Amino-9-ethylcarbazole in vivo Interestingly, for most of the studied parameters, Leh-grown microgreens were found superior to the Delhi-grown microgreens, which could be due to unique environmental conditions of Leh, especially wide temperature amplitude, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and UV-B content. In mungbean microgreens, total phenolics content (TPC) was found positively correlated with FRAP and DPPH, while in lentil microgreens, total flavonoid content (TFC) was found positively correlated with DPPH. The most abundant elements recorded were in the order of K, P, and Ca in mungbean microgreens; and K, Ca, and P in the lentil microgreens. In addition, these Fabaceae microgreens may help in the nutritional security of the population residing in the high-altitude regions of Ladakh, especially during winter months when this region remains landlocked due to heavy snowfall.Structural and nutrient traits of a leaf are important for understanding plant ecological strategies (e.g., drought avoidance). We studied the specific leaf area (SLA), leaf carbon content (LCC), leaf nitrogen content (LNC), leaf phosphorous content (LPC), and the phenophase sequence index (PSI) in 126 Mediterranean perennial species from predesert (SMS) and semiarid (SaMS) to subalpine (SAS), alpine cushion (AcS), and oro-Mediterranean (AjS) shrublands, which represent eight functional groups (evergreen and deciduous trees, evergreen large and half shrubs, deciduous large and half shrubs, succulents and perennial herbs). We analyzed the variation and relationships between leaf traits and PSI among shrublands, functional groups, and within species with drought-avoidance mechanisms. SLA variation of 20-60% could be ascribed to differences between functional groups and only 38-48% to different shrublands increasing from the predesert to the alpine. Alpine species display low PSI and NP and high SLA, LNC, LPC, LCC, and CN. On the contrary, predesert and semiarid showed high PSI and low SLA. SLA mediates the vegetative and reproductive phenological plant sequencing, high SLA is often associated with the overlapping in growth and reproductive phenophases with a seasonal reduction of vegetative growth, whereas low SLA is associated with vegetative and reproductive sequencing and a seasonal extension of vegetative growth. Species with drought-avoidance mechanisms (e.g., semideciduous species) contribute to an increase in the mean values of the SLA and LNC because these species show similar leaf and phenological patterns as the deciduous (high SLA and LNC and low PSI). The NP indicates that only the alpine shrublands could present P limitations. The positive correlations between SLA and LPC and LNC and LPC (leaf economic spectrum) and the negative correlation between SLA and CN were consistently maintained in the studied arid Mediterranean shrublands.Alpinia zerumbet (Zingiberaceae) is a unique ornamental and medicinal plant primarily used in food ingredients and traditional medicine. While organic amendments such as biochar (BC) and compost (Co) have been demonstrated to improve plant productivity, no studies have examined their effects on the growth, physiology, and secondary metabolites of A. zerumbet. This study evaluated the impact of the amendment of BC, Co, or a biochar and compost mixture (BC+Co) on modifying and improving the growth, photosynthesis, antioxidant status, and secondary metabolism of A. zerumbet grown on sandy loam soil. The morpho-physiological and biochemical investigation revealed variation in the response of A. zerumbet to organic amendments. The amendment of BC and BC+Co significantly increased net photosynthetic rates of plants by more than 28%, chlorophyll a and b contents by 92 and 78%, respectively, and carboxylation efficiency by 50% compared with those grown in the sandy loam soil without amendment. Furthermore, the amendment significantly decreased plant oxidative stress, measured as leaf free proline and glycine betaine.