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Experimental results show that the hierarchical ACC system using hybrid feature-based SMD and entropy-based VAD is successfully evaluated against three available datasets and is comparable with existing methods even in a variable noise-level environment. In addition, our test results with the VAD scheme and hybrid features also shows that the proposed architecture increases the performance of audio content discrimination.This paper analyzes the multiplexing gains (MG) achievable over Wyner's soft-handoff model under mixed-delay constraints, that is, when delay-sensitive and delay-tolerant data are simultaneously transmitted over the network. In the considered model, delay-sensitive data cannot participate or profit in any ways from transmitter or receiver cooperation, but delay-tolerant data can. Cooperation for delay-tolerant data takes place over rate-limited links and is limited to a fixed number of cooperation rounds. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/szl-p1-41.html For the described setup, inner and outer bounds are derived on the set of MG pairs that are simultaneously achievable for delay-sensitive and delay-tolerant data. The bounds are tight in special cases and allow us to obtain the following conclusions. For large cooperation rates, and when both transmitters and receivers can cooperate, it is possible to simultaneously attain maximum MG for delay-sensitive messages and maximum sum MG for all messages. For comparison, in scheduling schemes (also called time-sharing schemes), the largest achievable sum MG decreases linearly with the MG of delay-sensitive messages. A similar linear decrease is proved for any coding scheme, not only for scheduling schemes, if only transmitters or only receivers can cooperate (but not both) and if delay-sensitive messages have moderate MG. In contrast, if the MG of delay-sensitive messages is small, the maximum sum MG can be achieved even with only transmitter or only receiver cooperation. To summarise, when cooperation rates are high and both transmitters and receivers can cooperate or when delay-sensitive messages have small MG, then transmitting delay-sensitive messages causes no penalty on the sum-MG. In other regimes, this penalty increases proportionally to the delay-tolerant MG in the sense that increasing the delay-sensitive MG by Δ penalises the largest achievable delay-tolerant MG by 2 Δ and thus the sum MG by Δ .The paper deals with the analysis of the combustion of volatiles evolved during thermolysis (thermal treatment) of biomass feedstock. The process is tailored to produce charcoal (biochar), heat and electricity and the whole system consists of a carbonizer, afterburning chamber and steam recovery boiler. In order to maintain safe operation of the carbonizer the process temperature has to be maintained at an acceptable level and thus the majority of gases evolved during biomass processing have to be combusted outside in the afterburning chamber. In this paper the combustion of those gases in a specially-designed combustion chamber was investigated numerically. The calculation results indicated that the production of the biochar has to be carried out with tight integration and management of the heat produced from the combustion of the volatiles and the emission of CO and methane may be maintained at a low level by optimization of the combustion process. The most promising effects were achieved in cases C4 and C5 where the gas was fed tangentially into the afterburning chamber. The calculation results were then used for the design and manufacture of a pilot reactor-from which the parameters and operational data will be presented and discussed in a separate paper.Modern multimedia communications technology requirements have raised security standards, which allows for enormous development in security standards. This article presents an innovative symmetric cryptosystem that depends on the hybrid chaotic Lorenz diffusion stage and DNA confusion stage. It involves two identical encryption and decryption algorithms, which simplifies the implementation of transmitting and receiving schemes of images securely as a bijective system. Both schemes utilize two distinctive non-consecutive chaotic diffusion stages and one DNA scrambling stage in between. The generation of the coded secret bit stream employs a hybrid chaotic system, which is employed to encrypt or decrypt the transmitted image and is utilized in the diffusion process to dissipate the redundancy in the original transmitted image statistics. The transmitted image is divided into eight scrambled matrices according to the position of the pixel in every splitting matrix. Each binary matrix is converted using a different conversion rule in the Watson-Crick rules. The DNA confusion stage is applied to increase the complexity of the correlation between the transmitted image and the utilized key. These stages allow the proposed image encryption scheme to be more robust against chosen/known plaintext attacks, differential attacks, cipher image attacks, and information entropy. The system was revealed to be more sensitive against minimal change in the generated secret key. The analysis proves that the system has superior statistical properties, bulkier key space, better plain text sensitivity, and improved key sensitivity compared with former schemes.The word-frequency distribution provides the fundamental building blocks that generate discourse in natural language. It is well known, from empirical evidence, that the word-frequency distribution of almost any text is described by Zipf's law, at least approximately. Following Stephens and Bialek (2010), we interpret the frequency of any word as arising from the interaction potentials between its constituent letters. Indeed, Jaynes' maximum-entropy principle, with the constrains given by every empirical two-letter marginal distribution, leads to a Boltzmann distribution for word probabilities, with an energy-like function given by the sum of the all-to-all pairwise (two-letter) potentials. The so-called improved iterative-scaling algorithm allows us finding the potentials from the empirical two-letter marginals. We considerably extend Stephens and Bialek's results, applying this formalism to words with length of up to six letters from the English subset of the recently created Standardized Project Gutenberg Corpus.