Angiotensin IIInduced Lengthy NonCoding RNA Alivec Manages Chondrogenesis inside Vascular Easy Muscle Cells

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This article is part of the theme issue 'Ageing and sociality why, when and how does sociality change ageing patterns?'The life-prolonging effects of antioxidants have long entered popular culture, but the scientific community still debates whether free radicals and the resulting oxidative stress negatively affect longevity. Social insects are intriguing models for analysing the relationship between oxidative stress and senescence because life histories differ vastly between long-lived reproductives and the genetically similar but short-lived workers. Here, we present the results of an experiment on the accumulation of oxidative damage to proteins, and a comparative analysis of the expression of 20 selected genes commonly involved in managing oxidative damage, across four species of social insects a termite, two bees and an ant. Although the source of analysed tissue varied across the four species, our results suggest that oxidative stress is a significant factor in senescence and that its manifestation and antioxidant defenses differ among species, making it difficult to find general patterns. More detailed and controlled investigations on why responses to oxidative stress may differ across social species may lead to a better understanding of the relations between oxidative stress, antioxidants, social life history and senescence. This article is part of the theme issue 'Ageing and sociality why, when and how does sociality change ageing patterns?'Social insect reproductives exhibit exceptional longevity instead of the classic trade-off between somatic maintenance and reproduction. Even normally sterile workers experience a significant increase in life expectancy when they assume a reproductive role. The mechanisms that enable the positive relation between the antagonistic demands of reproduction and somatic maintenance are unclear. To isolate the effect of reproductive activation, honeybee workers were induced to activate their ovaries. These reproductively activated workers were compared to controls for survival and gene expression patterns after exposure to Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus or the oxidative stressor paraquat. Reproductive activation increased survival, indicating better immunity and oxidative stress resistance. After qPCR analysis confirmed our experimental treatments at the physiological level, whole transcriptome analysis revealed that paraquat treatment significantly changed the expression of 1277 genes in the control workers but only two genes in reproductively activated workers, indicating that reproductive activation preemptively protects against oxidative stress. Significant overlap between genes that were upregulated by reproductive activation and in response to paraquat included prominent members of signalling pathways and anti-oxidants known to affect ageing. Thus, while our results confirm a central role of vitellogenin, they also point to other mechanisms to explain the molecular basis of the lack of a cost of reproduction and the exceptional longevity of social insect reproductives. Thus, socially induced reproductive activation preemptively protects honeybee workers against stressors, explaining their longevity. This article is part of the theme issue 'Ageing and sociality why, when and how does sociality change ageing patterns?'Human life expectancy increases, but the disease-free part of lifespan (healthspan) and the quality of life in old people may not show the same development. The situation poses considerable challenges to healthcare systems and economies, and calls for new strategies to increase healthspan and for sustainable future approaches to elder care. This call has motivated innovative research on the role of social relationships during ageing. Correlative data from clinical surveys indicate that social contact promotes healthy ageing, and it is time to reveal the causal mechanisms through experimental research. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a prolific model animal, but insects with more developed social behaviour can be equally instrumental for this research. Here, we discuss the role of social contact in ageing, and identify lines of study where diverse insect models can help uncover the mechanisms that are involved. This article is part of the theme issue 'Ageing and sociality why, when and how does sociality change ageing patterns?'Individual lifespans vary tremendously between and also within species, but the proximate and ultimate causes of different ageing speeds are still not well understood. Sociality appears to be associated with the evolution of greater longevity and probably also with a larger plasticity of the shape and pace of ageing. For example, reproductives of several termites and ants reach lifespans that surpass those of their non-reproductive nestmates by one or two decades. SF1670 price In this issue, 15 papers explore the interrelations between sociality and individual longevity in both, group-living vertebrates and social insects. link2 Here, we briefly give an overview of the contents of the various contributions, including theoretical and comparative studies, and we explore the similarities and dissimilarities in proximate mechanisms underlying ageing among taxa, with particular emphasis on nutrient-sensing pathways and, in insects, juvenile hormone. These studies point to an underestimated role of more downstream processes. We highlight the need for reliable transcriptomic markers of ageing and a comprehensive ageing theory of social animals, which includes the reproductive potential of workers, and considers the fact that social insect queens reach maturity only after a prolonged period of producing non-reproductive workers. This article is part of the theme issue 'Ageing and sociality why, when and how does sociality change ageing patterns?'Longevity is traded off with fecundity in most solitary species, but the two traits are positively linked in social insects. In ants, the most fecund individuals (queens and kings) live longer than the non-reproductive individuals, the workers. link3 In many species, workers may become fertile following queen loss, and recent evidence suggests that worker fecundity extends worker lifespan. We postulated that this effect is in part owing to improved resilience to oxidative stress, and tested this hypothesis in three Myrmicine ants Temnothorax rugatulus, and the leaf-cutting ants Atta colombica and Acromyrmex echinatior. We removed the queen from colonies to induce worker reproduction and subjected workers to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress drastically reduced survival, but this effect was less pronounced in leaf-cutting ant workers from queenless nests. We also found that, irrespective of oxidative stress, outside workers died earlier than inside workers did, likely because they were older. Since At. colombica workers cannot produce fertile offspring, our results indicate that direct reproduction is not necessary to extend the lives of queenless workers. Our findings suggest that workers are less resilient to oxidative stress in the presence of the queen, and raise questions on the proximate and ultimate mechanisms underlying socially mediated variation in worker lifespan. This article is part of the theme issue 'Ageing and sociality why, when and how does sociality change ageing patterns?'The evolution of sociality in insects caused a divergence in lifespan between reproductive and non-reproductive castes. Ant queens can live for decades, while most workers survive only weeks to a few years. In most organisms, longevity is traded-off with reproduction, but in social insects, these two life-history traits are positively linked. Once fertility is induced in workers, e.g. by queen removal, worker lifespan increases. The molecular regulation of this positive link between fecundity and longevity and generally the molecular underpinnings of caste-specific senescence are not well understood. Here, we investigate the transcriptomic regulation of lifespan and reproduction in fat bodies of three worker groups in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus. In a long-term experiment, workers that became fertile in the absence of the queen showed increased survival and upregulation of genes involved in longevity and fecundity pathways. Interestingly, workers that re-joined their queen after months exhibited intermediate ovary development, but retained a high expression of longevity and fecundity genes. Strikingly, the queen's presence causes a general downregulation of genes in worker fat bodies. Our findings point to long-term consequences of fertility induction in workers, even after re-joining their queen. Moreover, we reveal longevity genes and pathways modulated during insect social evolution. This article is part of the theme issue 'Ageing and sociality why, when and how does sociality change ageing patterns?'The exceptional longevity of social insect queens despite their lifelong high fecundity remains poorly understood in ageing biology. To gain insights into the mechanisms that might underlie ageing in social insects, we compared gene expression patterns between young and old castes (both queens and workers) across different lineages of social insects (two termite, two bee and two ant species). After global analyses, we paid particular attention to genes of the insulin/insulin-like growth factor 1 signalling (IIS)/target of rapamycin (TOR)/juvenile hormone (JH) network, which is well known to regulate lifespan and the trade-off between reproduction and somatic maintenance in solitary insects. Our results reveal a major role of the downstream components and target genes of this network (e.g. JH signalling, vitellogenins, major royal jelly proteins and immune genes) in affecting ageing and the caste-specific physiology of social insects, but an apparently lesser role of the upstream IIS/TOR signalling components. Together with a growing appreciation of the importance of such downstream targets, this leads us to propose the TI-J-LiFe (TOR/IIS-JH-Lifespan and Fecundity) network as a conceptual framework for understanding the mechanisms of ageing and fecundity in social insects and beyond. This article is part of the theme issue 'Ageing and sociality why, when and how does sociality change ageing patterns?'Social insects seem to have overcome the almost universal trade-off between fecundity and longevity as queens can be highly fecund and at the same time reach lifespans of decades. By contrast, their non-reproducing workers are often short-lived. One hypothesis to explain the long lifespan of queens is that they are better protected against stress than their workers. However, evidence is controversial and experimental studies are scarce. We aimed at manipulating environmental stress and ageing by exposing colonies of the less-socially complex termite Cryptotermes secundus to temperature regimes that differed in variance. In contrast with expectation, constant temperatures imposed more stress than variable temperatures. Survival of queens and workers as well as queens' fecundity were partly reduced under constant conditions and both castes showed signs of ageing in the transcriptome signature under constant conditions. There was a clear oxidative stress defence signal under constant conditions that was, surprisingly, stronger for workers than queens.